New Release!
The Rest of Health:
Learn the 7 Strategies to Optimize your Wellbeing


Our Philosophy

Purpose and Vision

  • To show people how to attain vibrant health in their body, soul, spirit and relationships, which will allow them to enjoy life more than ever before  
  • To promote well-rounded health and spiritual vitality
  • To equip people with skills for healthy living, that they might become better able to complete all they are called to do
  • To help people overcome obstacles and hindrances that keep them tied down, so that they might be free to live the abundant life God has for them
  • To integrate the life-giving Christian faith with the knowledge and tools of health care professions
  • To bless people by helping them to understand and experience God in new ways.  As they pursue this deeper spiritual intimacy, they can gain freedom from stress, anxiety, depression and a wide array of other difficulties.   
Our Approach  
The True Foundation (TTF) has a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that is four-fold. They focus on the physical, psychological, social and spiritual elements. This model is known as the Bio-psycho-social-spiritual Model (BPSS Model).

A Comprehensive Model of Health
Spiritual           Psychological
Physical          Social

Through this approach, they integrate the wisdom of the Christian faith with the science and practical knowledge of their professional medical careers. In their writing and teaching, they incorporate these ideas to address the needs of the whole person. 
TTF speakers are seminary trained and uphold the Bible as the central authority for teaching. In their classes and presentations, they incorporate biblical teachings with the knowledge from their professional medical careers. This integrated approach leads to well-rounded health and spiritual vitality.
Why are we called, "The True Foundation"? 

It is our belief that the best foundation for people's wellbeing and fulfillment rests upon The True Foundation—the truth about God, the truth about each person, and God's plans for Humanity (why He created us). These are the central bricks of the True Foundation upon which we can securely rest.

Truths about God - Character traits of God on which we focus are His love, His power and His holiness (goodness and purity).

Truths about Each person – Elements of our human nature that we focus on are that we are created in the image and likeness of God (Genesis 1:26), God delights in us, and He has delegated authority to us to make a positive impact in the physical and spiritual realms.

Reasons why God created us – His plan for humanity is to have close friendship with us, for us to glorify Him, and for us to operate in an integral partnership with Him in ministry.

As we renew our mind with truth and break free of misconceptions of God, misconceptions of ourselves and mistaken assumptions about the limitations that we place on our life, we will become able to live a much more joyful, satisfying and meaningful life.

Having an accurate understanding of God, how He views us, and His will for our lives thoroughly transforms the way we think, feel and interact with others. It changes how we spend our time, energy and resources. Regularly, God redirects us to better (and often bigger) things than we would have come up with on our own (Ephesians 3:20-21).

Contact Information

The True Foundation
Phone # (253) 314-8999




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